Here’s what we’ve done in June
Drag and drop images
Email notifications for bulk lookups and sequence exports
Manual “booked” status
Pause contacts in bulk
Gmail signature import
Update email addresses
Drag and drop images
As part of our branded domains, adding images to your sequence steps are now as easy as ever. You can now drag and drop your images straight into the editor and we’ll handle the rest.
Email notifications for bulk lookups and sequence exports
Exporting a large list of contacts or running bulk lookups on a several thousand contacts can take quite some time. Knowing when it has finished can also be a pain. There, we made it easier to get you through your day by sending you an email notification with a link to download the results when it has finished.
Manual “booked” status
Even though we automatically mark contacts as “booked” from your calendar events, we’re now giving you the ability to mark them manually. This way you can book meetings in other calendars and keep your stats accurate.
Pause contacts in bulk
You can now select multiple contacts at once to pause or unpause a contact’s sequence. It’s great for moments when someone replies on behalf of an organization and you want to target the rest of the org at a later date.
Gmail signature import
We’re making it really easy to import your signature from Gmail. If you have one set already, you’ll see a link to import it swiftly. Clicking it will fill the box with everything you need!
Update email addresses
We like keeping a record of truth when a message was sent for a contact already but it was a pain when you were trying to update their email address especially after it has bounced. We made it a little bit easier to fix emails by adding the ability to clone the contact with a new email. You can find the option when clicking “fix email” on the bounced status.
Behind the scenes
We also focused a lot on improving the performance of our app. For example, we added support for larger blacklists and beefed up our Chrome extension for resiliency.